Uncheck this option to ignore alias files. Check this option to process the target files or folders of aliases. Beware that if folder aliases recurse (i.e. an alias to a folder is contained below that folder) then you will have to stop processing by typing Command–period. Select this option to convert ResEdit files to Resorcerer. Not available now because the ‘Convert resource files’ option is not selected. Select this option to convert ResEdit files to Resorcerer. Select this option to convert Resorcerer files to ResEdit. Not available now because the ‘Convert resource files’ option is not selected. Select this option to convert Resorcerer files to ResEdit. Uncheck this box to leave resource files alone. Check this box to convert resource files between Resorcerer and ResEdit. Use this popup menu to choose between setting preferences for CodeWarrior 6 68k and PPC projects, using the check boxes below. Uncheck this box to leave the font settings for CodeWarrior IDE projects alone. Check this box to change the font settings for CodeWarrior IDE projects to the application default settings. Not available now because the ‘CodeWarrior™ Prefs’ file could not be found. Check this box to change the font settings for CodeWarrior IDE projects to the application default settings. You can set the application defaults by closing all projects and source files, then setting the preferences. Uncheck this box to leave the editor settings for CodeWarrior IDE projects alone. Check this box to change the editor settings for CodeWarrior IDE projects to the application default settings. Not available now because the ‘CodeWarrior™ Prefs’ file could not be found. Check this box to change the editor settings for CodeWarrior IDE projects to the application default settings. You can set the application defaults by closing all projects and source files, then setting the preferences. Check this box to change the font settings for Metrowerks Pascal projects to the application default settings. Not available now because the appropriate CodeWarrior preferences file could not be found. Uncheck this box to leave the font settings for Metrowerks Pascal projects alone. Check this box to change the font settings for Metrowerks Pascal projects to the application default settings. You can set the application defaults by closing all projects and source files, then setting the preferences. Check this box to change the editor settings for Metrowerks Pascal projects to the application default settings. Not available now because the appropriate CodeWarrior preferences file could not be found. Uncheck this box to leave the editor settings for Metrowerks Pascal projects alone. Check this box to change the editor settings for Metrowerks Pascal projects to the application default settings. You can set the application defaults by closing all projects and source files, then setting the preferences. Check this box to change the font settings for Metrowerks C/C++ projects to the application default settings. Not available now because the appropriate CodeWarrior preferences file could not be found. Uncheck this box to leave the font settings for Metrowerks C/C++ projects alone. Check this box to change the font settings for Metrowerks C/C++ projects to the application default settings. You can set the application defaults by closing all projects and source files, then setting the preferences. Check this box to change the editor settings for Metrowerks C/C++ projects to the application default settings. Not available now because the appropriate CodeWarrior preferences file could not be found. Uncheck this box to leave the editor settings for Metrowerks C/C++ projects unchanged. Check this box to change the editor settings for Metrowerks C/C++ projects to the application default settings. You can set the application defaults by closing all projects and source files, then setting the preferences. Type a tab size into this box. The tab size is the number of spaces taken by a tab in the document. If the font size you require does not appear on the menu, choose ‘Other’ from the font menu and type the size you want into this box. Check this option to save the current vertical scroll position in documents. This is disabled now because the ‘Set to:’ radio button is not selected. Uncheck this option to forget the current scroll position in documents; the document will be scroll to the top. Check this option to save the current vertical scroll position in documents. Check this option to save the position of the current selection in text documents. This is disabled now because the ‘Set to:’ radio button is not selected. Uncheck this option to forget the current selection in documents; the selection point will return to the beginning of the document. Check this option to save the position of the current selection in text documents. Check this option to set ‘Auto Indent’ for the document. This is disabled now because the ‘Set to:’ radio button is not selected. Uncheck this option to turn off ‘Auto Indent.’ This turns off automatic indentation when you are typing. Check this option to set ‘Auto Indent’ for the document. This turns on automatic indentation when you are typing. Use this popup menu to choose the document font size. This is disabled now because the ‘Set to:’ radio button is not selected. Use this popup menu to choose the document font size. Font sizes which are installed on your system are shown in outline font. Use the popup menu to choose the document font. This is disabled now because the ‘Set to:’ radio button is not selected. Use this popup menu to choose the document font. Select this option to set the document font and tabs to the settings below. Select this option to remove all font and tab settings from text documents — the documents will be opened with the defaults for the current project or application next time. This is the creator code for the application selected in the popup menu. If you wish to open text files using an application which is not on the menu, choose ‘Other…’ in the menu and type a 4-letter creator code into this box. Choose the application from this popup menu you wish to use to open the converted text files. This is not available now because the ‘Set creator’ box is not checked. Choose the application from this popup menu you wish to use to open the converted text files. If the application you require is not on the menu, choose ‘Other’ and type its creator code into the box. Uncheck this box to leave the creator codes of text files untouched. Check this box to change the file creator of text files of the types in the list on the left, to the application selected in the menu below. Click this button to delete the hilighted codes from the list above. You can Shift- and Command-click to select multiple codes for deletion. Click this button to add a new creator code to the list above. You will be presented with a dialog box into which you can either type the code, or get it from a file. CleanDoc will attempt to change the settings for ‘TEXT’ files created by any of these applications, and will change the creator codes of those marked with a ‘•’, if the box below is checked. Option-double click a list item to avoid opening the dialog. Use this popup menu to go between the various panels of preferences. Click this button to discard changes to the preferences. Click this button to make changes to the preferences permanent.